In continuation with my recap on my experience at BASH 2016, after a fabulous coffee talk segment with the beautiful, astonishing Kathy Romero, we were able to attend an array of classes that were split by tracks:
Track #1- Event Planning Business & Professional Development
Track #2- Entrepreneurship & Blogging
Track #3-Creative Classes & Workshops.
I, unfortunately, could not commit to one track!!!! I wanted to be in all classes at the same darn time, but there was only one of me, “woe is me.”
Here is a summary of the classes I attended and a few nuggets I picked out of each:
Panelist Discussion: Event Planning Super stars
Ohhh, this was an excellent line up! From BASH founder Michelle, to Amy (of Operation Shower) to William (of W.P. Miller Special Events).
Some key pointers and tips that really stuck with me from this discussion were the following:
-Find people that are loyal to you & your brand.
-Interview clients the same way they interview you
-Reminding clients to determine how much are they willing to spend (budget)
Finding people that are loyal to you & your brand. This is something we all probably have had to sit back and reevaluate who in our inner circle (i.e. our tribe) is truly for us. The morale of the story here is just to surround youself with supportive people that want you to succeed.
Interview clients the same way they interview you. This was a great tip. It makes sense to ensure that we (Royal Events & Services team) is a great match your wedding planning and vice versa. We also need to ensure that our style is inline with your vision.
Reminding clients to determine how much they are willing to spend (budget). In the initial design consultation, expectations should be concise & clear. There is nothing wrong with asking the client for their budget. This creates transparency from the beginning & sets expectations from the jump.
Another wonderful session was that of Tonya Coleman's (of Soiree Events Design) Party Planning town hall.
She provided pricing tips & just overall encouragement to be able to walk into any given situation/circumstance with confidence #WalkLikeYouHaveAFerrariInTheGarage!!! Yessss!!!! I loved everything about this session. Tonya was very personable & continued with the overall theme of knowing your worth. "When you realize your time is valuable, you won't give it away." -Tonya Coleman.
Meeting Mr. Bailey was such an honor. When I tell you he's very personable, he didn't just take a pic and rush me off, he actually took the time to ask what is it I do, what is my passion, how many years have I been doing what I love, etc. He has no idea how that short 5 minute conversation inspired me and met so much!
Here I am cheesing from ear to ear like a little kid!
Dinner was really delic!

2). Eliminate "compete" or "competition" from your vocabulary!!! OMG, Yessss! If we focus so much on our competitors, how can we flourish? My pastor once said "Comparison is the thief of joy" and thats so true. We must focus on ourselves/our goals and let our work speak for itself!
3). Do not follow trends! This statement I love! I never want to be a part of the "number". I want to be the one that inspires! The trendsetter! Our goal here at Royal Events & Services is to be innovative and offer North & South Florida that luxury wedding planning, floral design, & event styling needs. We strive to be the one stop shop to eliminate the stress from vendor selecting. With that, with all the things we have in store for 2016 and onwards, you will see how we can make your event different from the rest. Be a trendsetter!
4). Take care of your people! Yessss!!! Good, honest, people are hard to find! Once you establish your tribe/your circle, take care of them. Here are R.E.S, we host an appreciation brunch annually to hear what our team has to say about their own personal goals and aspirations. We want to encourage/motivate one another!
Lastly, he spoke about some of his techniques and rituals such as every morning, when he opens his eyes, he writes in a journal. He jots down his to do list and goals for that day. I totally agree and do this today. Typically, my day gets so busy being a mother, a wife, a business owner, etc. So many people depend on me/rely on me for things so each new day, I jot down my laundry list of To Do's, check them off once complete, and I roll forward items that I did not have the opportunity to complete.
The BASH conference was very inspiring and motivating. I truly left feeling like a million bucks as I met so many great women all with the same goals, attended several sessions that actually were eye openers and thought provoking, and got to meet my inspiration up close and personal. This, my friends, was absolutely a life changing experience. If you are a party/wedding planner and interested in obtaining more information regarding this conference, absolutely visit the BASH conference page for more information on future dates. Its absolute worth the investment! Invest in yourself and go!
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